The Spotsylvania Branch of the NAACP was founded after the Fredericksburg Branch. The Spotsylvania Branch began in 1939 with Reverend Fennell Terrell, a member and son of the Branch Fork Baptist Church, as their first President. The Spotsylvania Branch was formally recognized and received its Charter in 1950.

Rev. Terrell along with his brother, James Terrell, worked throughout the community to advance civil rights in the local community. In order to end the segregation in public education, the Spotsylvania NAACP was fortunate to have been visited and energized in the early 1950's at Branch Fork Baptist Church by Attorney Thurgood Marshall, the brilliant lawyer and civil rights activist who argued the famous case, Brown versus the Board of Education of Topeka, which marked the legal end to segregated education.
Additionally, another proud Branch accomplishment was that fact that the Spotsylvania NAACP, along with the National NAACP, helped to end the powerful "Byrd Machine," which was part of Senator Byrd's plan to hinder the voting rights of African Americans. At the Branch Fork Baptist Church, Mr. Arthur Clomax, of Arcadia, Virginia was elected President and served untiringly for many years amid unfavorable conditions. He resigned for he felt he had accomplished all he was able to do under his presidency. Mr. Nelson Hughlett of Chancellor, Virginia then filled the position of President.
Mr. John W. Coleman, a member of Beulah Baptist Church, was elected to the Presidency thereafter.
President Coleman served with much enthusiasm and Branch membership increased. Mr. George Miller of Spotsylvania followed Mr. Coleman as President and served the organization well. Later, Reverend Charles Franklin, the Pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church, was elected President. Reverend Franklin was a very capable leader, however, he resigned the presidency when duty called him from Spotsylvania. Deacon Thomas L. Jones, a member of the Bethlehem Baptist Church of Summit, Virginia, became the branch’s next President. Deacon Jones was a very devoted and peaceful leader. Under his dedicated service, membership steadily increased significantly and he provided countywide and state representation. He served faithfully for more than 25 years and turned over the leadership mantel in February 1985 due to failing health.
The branch won several Freedom Fund awards under his dedicated leadership. The Nominating Committee, unable to secure a president, asked Mr. Booker T. Ross to serve and he consented to serve proudly and that he did. Mr. Ross served faithfully for two years and was succeeded in 1989 by Mr. Harweda Terrell. Mr. Terrell is the nephew of the founder of the Spotsylvania Branch, the late Fennell Terrell and son of the late Mr. James L. Terrell, a former active and vocal member. The branch won several Freedom Fund awards under his dedicated leadership. President, Rev. Otis L. Kay, Sr., was elected in 1997 and reelected to serve us again in 1999. Rev. Kay is the pastor of First Mount Zion Baptist Church and is still integrally involved in the branch. He served several terms as Vice President and remains active with issues concerning legal affairs and complaint resolutions.
The dynamic President Mozett Petway became branch president during the 2002 election and was reelected several times and relinquished his post in 2011.
Under President Petway’s leadership the branch membership increased to the point where the branch received the National NAACP Membership Award as well as captured the Virginia State Freedom Fund Queen titled for over a decade. He instituted programs whose massive focus was on providing positive opportunities for youth to include an annual “Rites of Passage” program to help guide young men into adulthood; creating a highly acclaimed scholarship program; formation of the Great Debate Program that was co-sponsored by the Spotsylvania Sunday School Union, and Spotsylvania County Public Schools; along with a “Teen Summit,” that provides youth an avenue to express themselves and get them to think about their future.

Additionally, under President Petway, the branch led the charge to ensure that the Spotsylvania County Redistricting Plan in 2011 incorporated the needs of minorities in the county. President Thomas Roberson, Jr., was elected in 2011 and Mozett Petway continued to serve as the branch’s vice president as they continued the awesome legacy of leading the branch until 2013. Under their leadership, the branch won the NAACP Region VII outstanding membership award and received a monetary gift from the National Office for its outstanding work.
The branch worked extremely hard during the 2012 election to 9 promote voter education, holding political awareness rallies, registering voters, working in barber shops, special events, and beauty shops to “get out the vote.” President Roberson is also a proud member of Branch Fork Baptist Church, President of Spotsylvania Sunday School Union and the son-in-law of the late former Branch President, Harweda Terrell.
In 2012, the branch elected President Andrew C. Yancey, to lead the branch. President Yancey who serves as a deacon at Mount Hope Baptist Church was committed to continuing the branch’s awesome accomplishments and served through 2016. President Shawn Davis was elected Branch President of the Spotsylvania NAACP in 2017 through 2018. In 2019, the Branch re-elected Mozett Petway to become the NAACP President. President Petway looks forward to leading the Branch forward by infusing the NAACP spirit that in the past sparked so many meaningful accomplishments. President Petway is presently the Pastor of God’s House of Blessing Church in Spotsylvania.
A partial listing of the Branch's many proud accomplishments and other noteworthy achievements include:
Participated and supported the previous 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 Voter Empowerment "Get Out the Vote Campaign" and is actively working on championing 2020 voter education and awareness through on going voter registration drives.
Provided drivers, vans and free rides to the polls, as well as toll-free telephone assistance on Election Day. Through these efforts we aided more than 60 voters obtain transportation to the polls so that their voices could be heard! Since 2000 to present, the branch has provided more than $100,000 in financial support to the state and national NAACP, over $50,000 in academic scholarships to worthy local residents, thousands of dollars in donations and services to local community nonprofit and charitable organizations. The NAACP also conducted a successful summer employment and SAT preparation workshops for local teens in the community in partnership with the Salem Church Library, NAACP Area 13 and Virginia Employment Center.
The Branch was also instrumental in working in partnership with the Rappahannock Regional Jail Authority in ensuring that equal opportunity in the workplace is maintained and upward mobility programs are available to all employees.
From 2008 and 2016, the branch participated in the Virginia Station NAACP Convention; successfully hosted a Community-wide Political Action Forum in partnership with a local Sorority, as well as the Spotsylvania Education Association.
During February of 2012, the branch successfully partnered with the University of Mary Washington to host a symposium on the State of the African-American Community in the Fredericksburg Area. Over the years the branch joined local churches, businesses and other organizations in establishing the “Rites of Passage for Young Men,” “Teen Summit” and other programs designed to work with the youth in the local community.
The branch also conducted voter registration drives, as well as continue to advocate on behalf of numerous local citizens and made a tangible difference in the local communities. Finally, the branch has and continues to provide assistance to numerous discrimination complainants and other requests for assistance.