*Branch Concerned About School Division!
*Branch Will Conduct A Drive/Parade To The Poll On Saturday, October 29, at 10 a.m.
*Branch Will Conduct Election of Officers & Executive Committee in November!
* Early Voting Started September 23, 2022! Sunday, October 2, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the only Sunday set aside for voting on a Sunday. Deadline to register or update an existing registration: October 17, 2022.- Deadline to apply for a ballot to be mailed to you: October 28, 2022. There are Two Saturdays set aside for voting: October 29 & November 5, 2022. The last day of in-person early voting before the general election is November 5, 2022. The general election will be conducted on November 8. The following Candidates are Running for the 7th Congressional District Seat!

*With A Chaotic and Dysfunctional School Board Along With the Hiring of A Superintendent Without Any Educational Experience, The Branch is Concerned About The Future of Public Education in The County ! The NAACP demands students receive a top notch and world class education and fears Mr. Mark Taylor (new superintendent) lack the skills and abilities necessary to ensure that goal is accomplished. It been reported that he has never been a teacher, school counselor, vice-principal, principal nor has he served on a school division staff. The NAACP will monitor his commitment to ensuring the public school system is vibrate and protected. For more information and to express your concerns contact branch at 540-847-7637.
*It is Time to Elect Branch Officers Again! All members should have already received an email with the information regarding this year’s election. The election will be conducted electronically by the National Office. On November 3, you will receive an email with a Ballot with a list of persons seeking to server as officers of the branch (Election Buddy). You will have from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to submit your response to the Ballot sent to you.
*Branch Will Host A Drive/Parade to The Poll Rally on October 29, 2022. First, Vote Early! The NAACP will conduct a Drive to the Registrar’s office on October 29, 2022. The event will begin at John J. Wright Multi Cultural Center at 10 am. Following a brief assembly, cars will line up and proceed to the registrar’s office in Massaponax to drop off Ballots and Vote if desired. Recognition will be given for most creative car. Note: The NAACP is NON-PARTISAN, so All are invited! For more information 540-847-7637
*The Virginia State NAACP Will Conduct Its Annual State Convention on October 21 thru 23, 2021. The convention will be virtual. For more information contact Mr. Petway at 540-847-7637.
*If you haven’t heard from the Branch, we may not have your correct contact information. So please email or call us at 540-847-7637& email: pmozett@gmail.com.
*Branch Concerned About School Division!
*Branch Will Conduct A Drive/Parade To The Poll On Saturday, October 29, at 10 a.m.
*Branch Will Conduct Election of Officers & Executive Committee in November! -------------